Hey there, here are two small excerpts from Chapter 5! Jayna, Logan and baby CJ are really starting to bond now. I hope it shows in these heartfelt snips. Thanks for reading and enjoy!
Christmas is over and the new year is approaching. I think...no, I KNOW this will be our year. Watch out 2015 we're coming and we're not leaving until we have everything we have worked so hard for.
“Okay,” she agreed quietly. A knock
sounded on the door and she jumped.
“Hey, it’s just the food. You’re safe
here,” he said, looking into her eyes. Their faces were only an inch apart and
they leaned in simultaneously, their lips joining for a gentle, comforting
At the second knock they moved apart
and Logan rushed to grab his wallet to get their food from the delivery guy. As
they worked together to prepare plates of their favorite Chinese dishes, Logan
snuck a peak at Jayna. “I’m so sorry about the kiss. It never should have
happened. I usually don’t allow myself to do stuff like that.”
She looked up at him. “It’s okay. I
kissed you too.”
“I feel like I took advantage of you.
You just had a baby for cripes sake!”
“I think you’re angrier that you did
something you don’t allow yourself to do than you are that you kissed a woman
who just gave birth,” she said lightly, a smile forming on her lips.

“I thought we’d already established
that,” she chuckled, taking her plate to the dining room table. “So, why don’t
you get involved with women?”
Logan set his plate on the table and
sat down. “It’s just not for me. The whole wife, family, minivan thing just
wouldn’t work for me.”
“So you just stay away from women, or
you just don’t kiss them?”
“I’m a man, Jayna. Women are a
temptations so I just steer clear of them. It’s that simple.”
“Well good luck with that,” she
chuckled. “I wish Reginald was more like you. I would never have gotten close
enough to him to end up in this mess.”
“How long were you together?” he
asked quietly. “If you don’t mind my asking.”
“Four years,” she murmured. “It was
great at first but then he changed. When I finally got the courage to leave, he
was smacking me around on a daily basis.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, grabbing her
hand. “No one should have to go through that.”
"I should have left him sooner,”
she whispered through tears. “But then I wouldn’t have CJ.”
At just that moment a cry came from
the bedroom. “He knows we were talking about him,” Logan chuckled. “I’ll get
him. You keep eating.”
Logan felt anything but safe. When
she was in his arms, he felt terrified…of something. Of what? When he watched
her sleep or snuggle CJ he was petrified. He felt like he may never be able to
move again. No, like he may never want to move again. And earlier that night,
when he’d kissed her, he felt… What? Something unknown, unheard of to him, had
gripped his heart when their lips met.
“Logan. Hey Logan,” Jayna said, pulling
him away from his troubling thoughts.
“CJ’s crying, could you grab him
while I visit the little girl’s room please?”
“Oh, uh yeah. Sure. “He got up off
the bed and made his way around to the bassinet. “Hey my man. Are you hungry?
It’s okay, Mama will be right back.” He picked him up and cuddled him on his
shoulder. Sniffing the air briefly, he grabbed the diaper bag off the floor and
started to figure out how on earth to change the squirming, crying little
“What are you doing?” Jayna asked as
she came out of the bathroom.
“Trying to change my buddy here. He
Jayna walked closer and gasped.
“Logan, put the diaper over his…" But it was too late. He got a stream of
pee right in the face.
Logan gasped and sputtered as Jayna
handed him a burp cloth.
Laughter bubbled out of his mouth as
he wiped his face. “It looks like I’ve been christened.”
Jayna was giggling as she finished
changing CJ. “At least you remembered to put the changing pad down so the bed
is safe.”
“Very funny,” he chuckled. “I’ll be
right back. I need to clean up.”
When he returned with a freshly
cleaned face, minus a shirt, Jayna was sitting against the headboard, eyes
closed, feeding the baby. Her eyes opened and set on his torso then quickly
flitted away.
“I’m making you uncomfortable,” he
murmured, walking over to the closet. “I’m sorry. I won’t ever try anything…”
“It’s okay Logan. You’re not making
me uncomfortable. For some reason I trust you more than I ever did Reggie.
Weird huh?”
Logan put a tank top on and waked
over to sit next to her again. “Logan Harper, master burper is here.”
Jayna smiled and looked into his eyes
for a few moments. What did she see there? Fear? Confusion? He’d said he didn’t
do relationships and family and now more than ever, she wondered why.
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