Logan Harper rolled out of bed at five a.m. He was more than ready to
face the day. The grocery store he owned would be taken care of by his
assistant manager while he was out at the family’s now defunct ranch. Today was
his day to ride his frustrations away on Digger, his horse. He dressed quickly,
grabbed something to eat on the way, and left the apartment he kept above the

His younger brother Dylan lived at
the lake house. The old bunkhouse had been renovated and turned into a cottage
that Evelyn now rented out. And Logan was building a house
on the ranch. He wasn’t in any hurry to finish it though. Living above his work
place was convenient and since he didn’t have a family and never planned on
having one, he was taking his time. His
brother Russell had just moved back home to Harper’s Rock, and would probably
build his own place on the family land someday or even take over one of the
other rental buildings on the property.
He settled her into the passenger
side and propped her up with an old blanket, then he buckled her seat
“In Harper’s Rock, at my brother’s
cabin,” he answered.
Her eyes shot open and she struggled
against the seat belt. “Who…who are you?”
“I’m Logan Harper and I’m taking you
to the hospital. You passed out and that can’t be good for your baby.”
Her hand went quickly to her stomach
and she sighed. “He’s still moving,” she murmured. Looking back up at Logan,
panic colored her expression. “Please don’t take me to the hospital! He’ll find
me there.”
“Who will find you?” The hair
on the back of Logan’s neck stood on end. This woman was bad news. When she
didn’t answer he lifted her face to look at him. “I asked you a question.”
“Just take me some place where no one
will see me. Please. I just need to eat and then I’ll be fine. I haven’t eaten
in almost two days.”
Logan sighed and ran his hand through
his dark red hair. “Okay, I’ll take you to my place and feed you, but then you
need to leave. I’ll give you some cash, drive you back to your car and then you
can head on to the next town.”

“Breathe,” he commanded a bit
harshly. “Don’t pass out on me again.”
But he was too late. Her head lolled against the seat. After checking
her pulse and breathing, he ran around and got into the driver’s seat. Since a restaurant was out of the picture
because she didn’t want to be seen, he had no choice but to take her back to
his apartment. His day sure had turned
south quickly.
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