“Daddy!” Miranda squealed, jumping up to run to him. The checker game went flying.
“Whoa squirt,” he cautioned, gathering the little girl in his arms. “You just messed up your game.”
“It’s okay Daddy. I was winning again anyway.”
“I guess I’m not the only one who losses to little miss smarty pants, huh?” Russell asked, shooting a glance at Emily.
She smiled. “I haven’t won a round yet. Miranda could you come help me pick the game pieces up please?”
“No. There’s too much,” she whined.
“But you made the mess, so it’s time to pick it up."
“I’ll help you,” Russell cut in.
“No, it’s Miranda’s mess, she needs to do it,” Emily cautioned with a raised hand.
“But, but there’s so much!” the little girl whined while bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Let’s just take it one piece at a time,” Emily said in a soothing voice as she led Miranda to the mess. “One red, then one black until they are all in the box. You can do it.”
Russell watched in fascination as his daughter slowly calmed down and set about helping Emily to clean up the mess. He looked at the young counselor questioningly. She just shrugged and smiled before taking the box from Miranda and putting it in its spot on the game shelf.
As his daughter ran ahead to the outer office, Russell waited for Emily to gather her things. “How did you do that?”
“Too much of anything frustrates her. I just broke it down into smaller tasks that she was able to handle. She still did the same amount of work, but it seemed easier to her.”
Russell thought of the many times in the past he could have used the strategy and sighed. Why hadn’t anyone at her old school known what was happening? Her childhood could have been much easier on her.
"We should probably talk about last night," he hedged.
“Yeah, things kind of moved fast.”
“Do you regret it?” he asked softly.
“No. Never.”
Russell folded his napkin and put it on the table. “Would you be opposed to taking a step back? I thought maybe we could get to know each other and…I don’t know…go on a date or two?”
“I’d like that,” she murmured with a smile. “I’d like that a lot.” She knew there was something special growing here and if they didn’t at least try to take a step back, it might not work out.
Russell smiled and stood. “Why let this great music go to waste. Would you like to dance?”
She stood and reached for his outstretched hand. “I’d love to.”
He held her tight as they danced around the dining room. They stuck to mundane topics that in the end would help them get to know each other better.
“I can’t believe we have the same taste in music. If I remember correctly, you didn’t like the ‘trash’ that Chuck and I listened to."
“You remember,” she laughed. “My tastes have changed over the years. I have broadened my horizons.”
“Then does that mean you would like to accompany me to the final installment of Music in the Park this weekend? I believe it’s classic rock."
“Is this one of those dates you were talking about?”
“Absolutely. We’ll have dinner at Vito’s, then go to the park.”
“I haven’t been to Vito’s in ages. That sounds fun so…”
“It’s a date.”
“Good,” he said, spinning her around. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Can I still kiss you?”
“I think kissing is still allowed,” she murmured as she pulled him closer.
“Good,” he whispered as their lips met.
“Good,” he said, spinning her around. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Can I still kiss you?”
“I think kissing is still allowed,” she murmured as she pulled him closer.
“Good,” he whispered as their lips met.
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