By ten minutes after twelve, he was lying in bed thinking of how much he wished he could be holding Emily right then. His phone buzzed from his nightstand and he reached over to answer it.
“It’s tomorrow,” Emily said quietly.
“That it is,” he returned. “I was just thinking about you.” He heard something close to a moan come over the line.
“Exactly what were you thinking about me?” she nearly whispered.
“About how I wish I could come back over there, break down the door and take you into my arms.”
“And then what?” she asked, a sense of desperation in her voice.
“And then kiss you until neither of us can breathe,” he murmured.
“Is that all?”
“No,” he said matter-of-factly. “After that I would take you to the bedroom and bury myself so deep inside of you…”
“Can you sneak away?” That sense of desperation was back in her voice.
“Yeah, everyone’s asleep.”
“I’ll leave the door unlocked so you don’t have to break it down.” The line went dead and Russell jumped up. He put on a pair of sweat pants and his hoodie before slipping his tennis shoes on. He grabbed his wallet and keys and snuck down the stairs.
A feeling of guilt started to slip in so he turned back from the door and left a note for his mother on the counter before hurrying outside, hopping into the car and driving to the cottage. He was out of the vehicle and at the front door in a split second. His breathing came hard and he didn’t even try to stop to catch his breath.
The door opened easily beneath his hand which caused it to fly open. Emily stood there in a green satin nightie and robe. He felt like a starving man walking into an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Rushing forward, he lifted her in his arms and kissed her. Hard. At that moment, for some strange reason, she felt like a lifeline to him.
They pulled apart, breathing hard and he looked into her eyes. “For so long I’ve been mostly numb. But now, tonight, I can feel again."
“I’m glad,” she whispered, reaching up to caress his cheek.
“I could experience pain and fear. But nothing good. Now I feel joy, love, and happiness. I’m content for the first time since I was nineteen.”
Emily pulled him close and rested her cheek on his chest. “It’s a great feeling, isn’t it?”
Russell pulled back from her and tipped her chin up so their eyes met. “Thank you.”
Their lips met urgently and he picked her up, heading to the bedroom.
Russell put her down just inside the door and took his hoodie off.
“You should thank your mother for inviting you home, not me,” she said quietly, her eyes leaving his for only a moment to wander across his perfect torso.
“I’d rather thank you,” he murmured, while watching her slip out of her little green silk robe. “I’d rather not think of my mother at all right now.”
Emily giggled and one by one, she slid the spaghetti straps of her nightgown down her arms. The skimpy piece of emerald satin fell quickly down over her heaving breasts to pool at her feet.
Russell hurriedly kicked his shoes off and dropped his sweat pants to the floor.
Emily’s breath caught as he moved closer to her.
“Are these important to you?” he asked, looping his index fingers through he sides of her panties and pulling her up against him.
“No, they were a gift from…an old friend."
“They’ve got to go,” he whispered in her ear and maneuvered them off, not caring if he tore fabric from her body. “Now that’s better, right?”
“Yes,” she breathed, looking into his eyes.
Their lips met in a slow, searching kiss and Emily found herself flat on her back on the bed with Russell next to her. His hand burned a path up her side to her breast. His fingers teased her nipple to a taut peak. “You feel so good to me.”
Emily smiled at him and reached out to run her hand down his chest to his rock hard stomach. “You’d feel better inside of me,” she said softly.
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