"Lisa Bilbrey brings you a very different kind of story."
"This book blew me away. It shattered a lot of theories I had already made regarding polyamory."
"This book is full of gooey goodness .. wrapped up in a delicious package ..."
"One of the best books I have ever read."
Two bullets — one just under her right breast and the other in the middle of her left leg. That’s all it had taken to destroy Elle Reid, to leave her weak and useless. Just two little bullets.
Elle gave into her desires and allowed herself to love. The road to redemption hasn't been easy for her, or her lovers, but together, she, Sadie, Callum, and Derek strive for a life of peace and harmony. But will they get their happily ever after, or will a madwoman's quest for revenge shattered their dreams?
“How much longer?” Sadie grumbled, one hand resting
casually on Elle’s knee. Callum sat on the other side of Elle, his arm
stretched across the back of the red, vinyl bench they were perched on while
waiting for a table. Derek sat next to Sadie, who was dragging her fingers
through his dark hair.
When they arrived at The Sardine Can, a charming
little seafood joint down on the pier, there had been a small wait, but several
other patrons had been seated before them — people who had arrived after they
did. Elle tried to brush it off, while Sadie had made her displeasure clear by
huffing, complaining loudly, and outright whining about the wait.
“I’ll go ask her again.” Derek kissed the side of
Sadie’s head before he walked over to the hostess, and once again asked how
much longer were going to have to wait. An annoyed expression filled his face
as he nodded at whatever she’d told him and walked back over to them.
“She said it’ll
be at least another twenty minutes,” he grumbled, sliding onto the bench next to
Sadie. He took hold of her hand, lifting it to his lips. “Though, there are at
least five empty tables.”
“Hmm,” Elle hummed, shifting her attention back to the
podium, noticing the way the hostess was glaring at them, and in that moment,
their long wait made sense. “Ah, of course.”
“Of course what?” Callum asked, his confusion evident.
With a shake of her head, Elle shifted her eyes to
him. “It’s us. She has a problem with us.”

Finding a love
in the written word, Lisa Bilbrey started writing as a way to express herself
and let her voice be heard. From the first word she wrote, she'd found her
heart and soul. Always willing to learn, she's
spends much of her time trying to improve as a storyteller.
Title: Say A Prayer (Like A Lady: Part Four)
Author: S.J. Sawyer
Genre: New Adult
Book Tour: January 4 - 8
Hosted by: S.B.B. Promotions
Say A Prayer is the fourth novella in the Like A Lady serial. It cannot be read as a standalone.
It hurts. God, does it ever hurt. Having your heart ripped from its home in your chest, metaphorically or literally, isn’t a fun thing. No, it’s gruesome, and once in a lifetime was more than enough. Twice. Twice is almost unbearable. I’ll make it, though. I’m strong enough to persevere, to move on, and I will because I know that there’s no other option. I can’t stop living. I won’t stop living. ~Red
One step. Two. I’ll take it a day at a time and hope to hell the pain goes away. The thing is, I know it won’t. It just keeps getting stronger because without her love, I’m lost. And it sucks. This feeling, the loss, it’s getting worse, but what am I supposed to do about it? She won’t listen to me. Nothing I say has swayed her, not a bit. Why can’t she see I’m miserable without her? ~Mason
No Offense, Darlin'
Jake Roberson is nothing but a lying bastard. Every whisper that falls from his lips is a betrayal, but I can’t seem to convince myself to walk away. When he comes sauntering toward me, all those particulars go right out the window, and I cave. Every. Single. Time.
No more, though. I can’t. There’s too much at stake this time around, and I won’t have it.
Besides, one night with Beau, that’s all it took. I’m sunk. He was amazing in every way imaginable, and he still is. Why he likes someone like me, I can’t fathom. He’s such a good man, and he only ever sees the best in people, me included. It’s an amazing thing. The way he looks at the world, it’s like magic. Every bone, every muscle, every fiber of Beau Reed’s being is good, and he never stops proving that to me. He’s a good guy deep down in his core where it counts. I’ve always known that, even when I first met him. It’s something that radiates out from him like this big glowing light. Never have I ever met anyone like him.
But because he’s good, I have to make him go. ~Shelby
I can’t focus on anything else:
Soft, brown hair hanging in waves down to creamy skin that looks all too damned touchable.
Big eyes that could never be described with any justice, brown to green, maybe hazel, with so much vibrant light, etching them forever into memory.
Plump, smooth, kissable lips that are the stuff of fantasy, with the bottom one slightly fuller than the top, perfect.
It’s always Shelby, always been Shelby, and there doesn’t seem to be anything or anyone that can make that any different.
Except, now, there’s more at play than just her. For once, it’s not about Shelby Case, and despite my best efforts to save her, there’s things that I can’t rescue her from. ~Beau
No Offense, Darlin’ is the first Like A Lady novel. While it could be read as a standalone, for the full effect of Beau and Shelby’s backstory, the Like A Lady serial should be read as a prequel to this novel. The first part of the serial, Big Girl Panties, is free.
Reading Order:
Big Girl Panties
Hide Your Crazy
Fix Your Makeup
Say A Prayer
No Offense, Darlin’
Big Girl Panties
Mom always tells me that when life gives you lemons you squeeze the heck out of them and hope for some lemonade, but after catching that no-good lying, jerk of a bastard cheating on me seconds before we were supposed to be married, I do what any self-respecting Southern girl would do: throw a punch and hide under my blankie. Now, Mary Lou thinks I need a night of fun and adventure. I agree to go out, planning to get her off my back, but when I find myself in Mason Pierce’s arms, I’m thanking my lucky stars, and my best friend. ~Red
Freemont, Oklahoma, is the last place on the whole damned planet that I want to spend my summer and working on my parents’ ranch is the last thing I want to do, but damned if that’s not what I’m doing. Monroe and I need a night away from this place, a night to blow off steam. A party at the lake sounds like a mighty fine idea, and after catching a glimpse of Red Summers in the firelight, I’m quickly changing my tune. ~Mason
~ FREE ~
Hide Your Crazy
Woah! It’s the only thing that I can think because my head's so full of Mason Pierce I can’t think about anything else. Who would have thought two weeks could change your perception so completely? Not me, but it surely has. I’m a gonner: hook, line, and sinker. There’s only one thing runnin’ around my head, and it’s Mason. I want him. Bad. It’s fun. It’s light.The sex is explosive. What more can a girl ask for? Right?~Red
My bed. My truck. And everywhere else I can think of. That’s where I want Red, and I want her there, now, without all the damned interruptions that seem to surround us. Yeah, they’re supposed to be our friends, but I’m seriously starting to wonder if they’re getting off torturing me. Because that’s what this is, wanting Red, having Red but not being able to have her, it’s torture.~Mason
Fix Your Makeup
It’s a summer fling; just keep telling yourself that and you’ll be alright. This thing with Mason Pierce, it’s just a fling, something fun to pass the time. He’s a rebound from the disastrous breakup, a band-aid, a patch over a wound that will help the hurt heal, right? ~Red
If someone had told me two months ago that I’d be spending the summer with Red Summers in my arms, I’d have called them crazy, but here I am and here she is. Life is just about as perfect as it can be. Except, it feels like she’s pulling away instead of drawing closer. Everyday, it seems that Red is putting more and more distance between us, and I don’t understand why. ~Mason
S.J.'s Favorite Things Party
Join the release week fun! S.J. is hosting an event full of her favorites. Don't miss out on these epic takeovers and giveaways:
Twenty-something, Okie girl S.J. Sawyer enjoys creating the best book-boyfriends in a mix of romance, humor, and reality, loving her heroes swoonworthy and stubborn. Author of the Sealed series and Like A Lady serial, writing new adult, romantic comedy, and contemporary romance. Mom of three; wife of one. Graduate of SOSU with a Bachelor’s degree in English Lit. Lover of books, young and old. Sucker for the happy ending.
Please visit my site for all information and to sign up for email notifications on new work!
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