Well, it is that time...excerpts are getting harder to find without giving away too much of the story so this will be the last one from Dylan's Desire. I had to skip quite a few chapters to even find this one. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for Dylan's Desire's release and excerpts from Fate's Encore!
Why hadn’t he told her? She had thought it was all
her fault, that she wasn’t a good nurse anymore. And then another realization
hit her. A realization that cut right through her heart. God, he must have thought
that maybe she had actually done it. How could he think that though? She loved
him so much and he should know that she would never do anything like that to
him. Never!

“Bull shit! You are a fucking asshole! I can’t
believe you. How could you make me believe that I wasn’t doing my job
properly,” she cried. “I thought I had failed you, that I had nearly killed you!
She stood up and started to pace. “And I guarantee you had to prove to yourself that I hadn’t done it…not the

She was seething. Her teeth were clenched so
tightly she thought they might break. “Sorry? You’re sorry? You put me on an
emotional roller coaster. And all you can say is sorry?” At this point she
would give him the benefit of the doubt that he had believed she wasn’t
involved. There was too much history to truly believe anything else. But the
rest, a true friend would never make her feel inadequate at the job she loved. “I
can’t comprehend this. I thought maybe you had changed but I guess you never
will. I’m just another piece of ass to get into your bed. Make poor Nic feel
bad and she’ll come crawling to you for comfort.”
“No Nic. Really, it isn’t like that at all…”
“Bullshit!” she screamed, cutting him off. “All
women are nothing more to you than somewhere to put your dick, you fucking piece
of shit. Well, congratulations, you finally got to fuck me even if it wasn’t
exactly like you always wanted.”
Dylan stood stock still, but was shaking inside.
How could he fix this? “Nic Please…”
“No! Don’t even. You…you…I fucking hate you and I never
want to see you again,” she snarled. “Tell your mom I quit!”
Nicoletta grabbed her purse and walked out,
slamming the door behind her.

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