His partner in crime during childhood had blossomed into a beauty queen. Nic, no, Nicoletta was an absolute vison. Her long dark curly hair was held back with glistening combs that contrasted nicely. Her bright green eyes shone like beacons in the night. Perfect lips were pursed and glistening. Dangling from her ears, were a pair of earrings he had given her for her last birthday.
Her silver dress clung to her body like a glittery second skin. The neckline, if you could call it that, exposed the top part of her breasts. Seeing them caused a familiar swelling. Why hadn’t he driven? He could have pretended to break down. Hell, she probably knew he would try that and that’s why she insisted on driving. A laugh escaped his lips at the thought and Nic glanced over at him.
“Sorry, a funny thought ran through my head.”
“Thinking you’re getting me out of this dress I take it?” She knew her best friend better than anyone in the world.
“Damn Nic. I never…”
“Right, you will never get me out of my clothes.”
Dylan laughed at the exchange. Looking closely at her face, he saw a slight smile which caused a smile of his own. He had to do it now. He had to ask her now. His brain was screaming at him to do it. “Nicoletta how would you like to skip the dance and go to the lake house with me?”
“The lake house? Would I rather go to the lake house?” she asked with a hand over her breasts. “I don’t think so.”
“Why not, we could have a lot more fun there,” he replied, confusion evident in his expression. “We could do what we talked about the other day. You know, I could give you a ton of pleasure with just my mouth. We don’t have to go any further yet.”
His face dropped when she burst out laughing and pulled off to the side of the road. Turning to look at him, she had a sly grin on her face. She put her right hand on his shoulder, giving him a slight pat. “From what I hear, you aren’t any good at that. Both Jenni and Tracey said you really don’t have any idea what you’re doing.”
“They didn’t! You’re…you’re lying… you have to be,” he sputtered. “They both told me they loved what I did.”
“Dylan, I’m your friend so I’m telling you this for your own good,” she stated seriously. “They didn’t want to hurt your fragile girly feelings.”
“Fuck you Nic!”
“Not tonight. Not ever,” she snarled. “If you only asked me to go to the prom to get in my pants then you were never really my friend.” The thought that it may just be the case made her heart ache.
“No, no, I didn’t ask for that reason,” he said, raising his hands defensively. “I swear on my brother’s grave.”
Her expression softened at his response and a smile slowly formed on her face. “They why did you?” she asked hesitantly.
“You always said how badly you wanted to go to your Senior Prom,” he said, looking down at his hands. “What type of friend would I be if you didn’t get to go?”
“So, you asked me out of pity?” she asked annoyed. “Afraid no one else would?”
“No, I wanted to go with you,” he replied angrily. “It’s the last school activity we will both have together and I wanted to go with my best friend.”
“Then we should go,” she said, pulling the car back onto the road. “Let’s go have fun. Okay?”
“Deal. Hell Nic doing things with you has always been fun,” he laughed. “It’s gotten us in plenty of trouble, but it’s always been fun.” Would he ever get her to change her mind? Some other day maybe?
“Tell you what, if I have enough fun, I promise to show you my breasts before I drop you off.”
Dylan was so caught by surprise that he didn’t even notice as they pulled into the parking lot.
There is a project coming up that I am so very excited about - It has and will continue to change my life. It is a baby boomer romance (lovebirds are in their 60's) and it will be sweet, hot, funny and tragic. Here are a couple of teasers for you to enjoy. We will be having a cover reveal on April 3rd so stay tuned!!!
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