I posted this over on my blog and thought you might like to read it.
Yesterday was a huge day for my family. Something we had all been working toward finally came to fruition. I became a published author. Everybody is so happy for me and I am grateful for the support.

So the day was all a giant celebration right? Nope. It was at first. The family went out for lunch and they gave me peace and quiet while I finished up the marketing and kindle publishing. But then as usual mama started to get a bit overwhelmed. Still excited - absolutely. Still grateful - absolutely. Absolutely one hundred percent overwhelmed - Oh hell yeah!
The Shooter and I decided to go out for dinner alone to celebrate and I perked up a bit, but as soon as we got home I started to slide again. What the hell had I gotten myself into! People on my Facebook groups were talking about reading what I'd written. Crap what had just happened? Just a couple years ago it was almost impossible for me to let anyone read what I wrote. I had to literally force myself to let my own husband read it, and here I was putting it out there for everyone to read.
I started to second guess myself. What if it sucked. What if the feedback I got from friends, family and strangers was all a lie. What if I disappointed my friends when they read the book. What if, what if, what if. I had a lot of that going on last night! By the time I went to bed, I was about ready to crawl into a hole and hide forever so I wouldn't have to see the faces/hear the voices/see the posts of people who were reading my book. I convinced myself that I didn't have any talent whatsoever and that I had just embarrassed myself on a global scale.

So, what did it take for me to be a published author? Courage. Plain and simple it took courage. But how did I get that courage? I am the biggest chicken s**t in the world when it comes to putting myself out there. I hate criticism and I hate negativity. Well, truthfully I will never know what gave me the courage. I had a lot of support and great people to work with, but I don't think that would have been enough to get me over my horrible fears. All I know is that I am grateful for the courage I was able to come up with because this is absolutely the best feeling in the world right now. I can't count on both hands how many books I've sold so far and the rush is incredible. I know I will have more moments of self doubt (probably many more) but I am prepared to combat them.......with COURAGE.
Until next time...If you finally find the courage to do something you've always wanted to do but were too afraid to pursue it, then go with the flow!!!! Don't question it, just do it! Courage can pop up in times when you least expect it and for that I will be forever grateful.
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